Our friendship

Created by Kay 7 years ago
At newbough school gates we meet and forged a friendship that would last a lifetime, sadly that lifetime should of been so much longer than it was. Our childrens school days were spent together having lunch, coffee or just chatting at either of our houses drinking tea, shopping, gym, jacuzzi building memories that will keep Tracey with me for the rest of my days, we laughed we cried and just lived our life's as friends, even when I returned to work and Amy went up to Amvc we still managed to keep in touch, I'm so glad that I went to Thorpe hall hospice to see her, the next day she passed away and my heart was broken as even though she was so ill, she cleared my mind and showed me the way to go, the sense of calm I had was wrapped round me like a blanket of protection. Tracey Goodacre was and will always be my rock, my best friend and I miss her more than I can put into words. X